VOX V3100 Coolsand_RDA CPU Read Info and Read Unlock Code Done With Volcano Tool

Vox V3100 coolsand_RDA CPU read info and read unlock code successfully done with volcano tool v2.4.7. The below is the procedure to flash VOX V3100 mobile with Volcano Tool, and read unlock code. Vox V3100 has a Coolsand_RDA CPU and which can be flash with Volcano Tool the best tool for chines phones.



Vox V3100 Mobile CPU Details


CPU ID: 8809 4007

Flash ID : 00C86016

Flash Type: SF_GD25LQ32                

Flash Len :0×400000(4M)

Flash File Size : 4MB




Vox V3100 Read Info Volcano Tool


  • Open Volcano Tool

  • Go to Coolsand_RDA Tab

  • Click on Read Info

  • Select Built in Boot B

  • Tick on Auto Detect Pinouts

  • Connect Volcano Box Jig Cable and Power Clip

  • Click on Start and Press Power Button



vox v3100 read info done with volcano tool Coolsand RDA Chip set


Vox V3100 Read Unlock Code Volcano Tool




vox v3100 unlock code read done with volcano tool Coolsand RDA Chip set









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