Micromax A60 Hard Reset and Pattern Unlock Done With Key

Micromax A60 hard reset and pattern unlock can be done with key, the below is the details to unlock pattern and hard reset of A60 Micromax. By doing hard reset or wipe data/factory reset you can reset the Android Mobile to Factory defaults and all your data saved in that phone will be erased.

Micromax A60 Android Recovery Menu Press Call Key to See the Wipe Data

Micromax A60 Hard Reset

  • Press Home (Soft Key) + Center + Power On Key 

  • When you see Android Log with a Triangle symbol 

  • Then Press the Call Button to see the Recovery Menu, Where you can wipe data/factory reset the phone

  • Click the Center Button to Enter or to perform the action

Micromax A60 Hard Reset (Home +Center+Power Key)

After wipe data reboot the phone, that’s all now the phone has been set to the factory defaults and all you customization made to the phone is deleted.



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