How to Flash Samsung S5253 With Multi Loader - Samsung S5253 Flash Done With USB Cable

Here you can get the step by step procedure to flash the Samsung S5253 with multiloader v5.56, in this process you can flash the S5253 using the normal USB cable and with the help of Multi Loader. So see the below steps to know how to flash S5253 with Multiloader with a easiest way.




Samsung S5253 Flash With Multiloader Using USB Cable

If you are getting the below error while flashing Samsung S5253


ERR : Rsrc1 Erase

Then this process will help you to overcome this error and flash the Samsung S5253 successfully with Multiloader.


S5253 Flash With Multiloader Step by Step Procedure

Download Mode Samsung S5253 = Volume Down + Camera + Call and Power on



multiloader v.5.65 

Samsung S5253 Firmware


Samsung Wave535 S5253 Flash Done With Multiloader


  • Open Multiloader v5.65

  • Select BRCM2133

  • Tick on Full Download

Select the Flash Files


  • Apps = apps_compressed.bin

  • Rsrc1 = Rsrc_S5253_Open_Common.rc1

  • Rsrc2 = Rsrc2_S5253_Open(Low).rc2

  • Factory FS = FactoryFs_S5253_Open_Common.ffs

  • CSC =

  • SHP APP =

(File names may be different)

  • Put the S5253 into Download Mode

  • Then Click on Download



Samsung S5253 Flash Done With Downloader V5.65

S5253 Multiloader Flash Log:


Download Start Ch[0]
Bcmboot 131.2KB OK[0.3s]
Boot2 591.2KB OK[1.1s]
Patch_dsp 49.4KB OK[0.2s]
Sysparm_dep 6.2KB OK[0.1s]
Sysparm_ind 80.3KB OK[0.2s]
Wait reset !!

Apps 50069.5KB OK[131.4s]
Rsrc1 46399.5KB OK[78.0s]
Rsrc2 614.8KB OK[1.2s]
FFS 65445.9KB OK[112.7s]
CSC 12640.3KB OK[41.1s]
SHPAPP 65437.7KB OK[87.1s]
All files complete[471.1s]


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